You Make a Difference.
At No-Limits, we believe that your talents, skills, and passions make an impact on this ministry, this community, and ultimately the Kingdom. We thank you.
No-Limits Promise
What we Believe
At No-Limits we believe that our Lord can and will meet everyone where they’re at. We too can reach them where they are despite their label given to them by this world. We believe that with the right resources, we as difference makers can reach kids, teens, and adults with special needs for the Kingdom.
Our Mission
To provide a place for children, teens, and adults with special needs to gain a sense of community, have fun, and learn more about Jesus.
Our Vision
To see the progressive prioritization of individuals with special needs in our community.
Psalms 139:14 NIV
I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
At No-Limits, we will not stop pursuing God’s call on this ministry and continue moving outward whatever that may look like.
This ministry is based upon a calling from God and we will not stop pursuing it. We want to give God the power to refine, change, or alter something that He sees fit. This ministry consists of seasons and new seasons can require change. We never want to stop what we are doing but we do want to make it better and better each and every time we do it.
Upcoming Difference Maker
Appreciation Events
What You Need To Know
What if I don’t feel comfortable with my buddy?
If you do not feel comfortable with your buddy, please know that it is okay. In this situation, please communicate your concerns with a staff member at The Crossing, the event leader, or someone running registrations at an event to discuss a more fit buddy for you and to find someone else for your current buddy.
What if my buddy acts inappropriate?
Dealing with individuals with special needs, situations like these can arise. There can be times that individuals are not able to restrict themselves from acting a certain way. With a buddy like this, make sure you are always putting yourself around others. If you need assistance with a situation, ask a nearby volunteer. If any further assistance is needed from there, communicate that to the event leader or Crossing staff member.
What if my buddy is being violent?
If your buddy is being violet, we ask you to tell a Crossing staff member or event leader immediately and the situation will be assessed from there. Circumstances like this need to be regulated as best as possible to prevent any unwanted situations from arising.
Do I have to be a buddy to volunteer?
No. If you do not feel comfortable with having a buddy for your first time or at all, there are many other serving opportunists found in the volunteer page.
What time commitment is required to volunteer?
There is not a set time requirement. Events are from 5:10-8:30 PM for volunteers on the first Friday of every month. We understand that things come up so we do not require you to make every event. We do ask that you confirm or decline with us through the app Services so we know if you are coming or not. If anything comes up after you have confirmed, please let me know or go back and decline. Thank you!
Can I get community service hours for volunteering?
Yes. If your program allows you to get hours from church related community service, we can sign off on them for you.
Planning Center / Services
For No-Limits, we use a platform called Planning Center Services. Here we send volunteer requests and reminders by email leading up our events. On a mobile device, there is an app called Services. This app will allow you to keep track of your serving and we advise that you download it to make everything a bit easier. We ask that you make sure to confirm or decline these requests monthly. When you do, it makes it a little easier on us and also provides us with a report so we know what’s going on in the ministry. If you need help setting this up, please contact us and we can assist you. Thank you!!